ZENG Chunshan,XU Yang,WANG Dairong.Preliminary Study on Present Situation and Development Contermeasures of Flower Tourism[J].Northern Horticulture,2018,42(13):179-184.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20174036]
- Title:
- Preliminary Study on Present Situation and Development Contermeasures of Flower Tourism
- Keywords:
- flower tourism; present situation; countermeasures
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 花卉旅游不仅丰富了旅游的特色与内涵,同时可满足人们对生态需要与旅游体验的双重要求,近年来在国内发展较为迅速。然而,由于缺乏较系统的规划,大部分花卉旅游仍处于初步探索阶段,其在科学规划、资源开发、内涵挖掘等方面仍有较大的上升空间。该研究通过探讨典型花卉旅游案例,从旅游内容、区域定位、产业链、基础设施及产权保护等角度总结了国内花卉旅游存在的几大问题,并在此基础上针对性地提出了相应的发展对策。乡村振兴战略的实施将为花卉旅游提供新的发展机遇,不仅为探讨花卉旅游理论思想提供基础资料,同时也为我国新政策背景下的花卉旅游发展规划提供思路。
- Abstract:
- Flower tourism,which has enriched the features and content of tourism and satisfied both of the ecological and tourism demands of human,developed rapidly in recent years.However,because of lacking systematic planning,most of flower tourisms were still limited in a preliminary stage and there were many could be developed in the scientific planning,resource development and connotation mining for this industry.The several typical examples of flower tourism and summarized problems from the perspectives of tourism content,product orientation,industry chain,basic infrastructure and property rights protection were studied.Then made targeted suggestions for the development of flower tourism in the future.The strategy of rural vitalization could provide new opportunities for the development of flower tourism,and the study could not only provide fundamental knowledges for the study of theories and ideas of flower tourism,but also provide ideas for the development planning of flower tourism under the background of newly strategy in China.
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