XU Yiqing,BI Changwei,ZHANG Fuquan,et al.DNA Motif Prediction of Shrub Willow Based on Comparative Genetics[J].Northern Horticulture,2018,42(06):62-67.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20172973]
- Title:
- DNA Motif Prediction of Shrub Willow Based on Comparative Genetics
- Keywords:
- Salix suchowensis; DNA motif; comparative genetics
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以已完成全基因组测序及组装的模式生物拟南芥和具有很高研究价值的园艺植物柳树(Salix)的全基因组测序为数据源,采用基于位置的基因序列匹配方法,研究了新测序物种簸箕柳(Salix suchowensis)的DNA模体序列,以期为进一步了解柳树乃至林木的基因调控网络提供参考依据。结果表明:此次预测的结果与手工验证的部分簸箕柳的DNA模体一致,该研究发布的基于簸箕柳全基因组的DNA模体预测结果对于杨柳科植物的研究具有重要的意义。
- Abstract:
- Model species,Arabidopsis thaliana,and a high-valued horticultural plant shrub salix (Salix suchowensi) genome sequences were used as data origin,a new location-based alignment methodology was applied to study the DNA motif in this recent sequenced specie,in order to explore the regular network of salix and even other horticultural plants. The results showed that,the prediction was proofed by manual verification,and was meaningful for further research on Salicaceae plant.
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