ZHAO Shuang,SU Yanping,LI Han,et al.Screening of Optimum Medium for Pollen Germination of Walnut[J].Northern Horticulture,2017,41(23):42-47.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20171760]
- Title:
- Screening of Optimum Medium for Pollen Germination of Walnut
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以早实核桃品种“绿岭”和“绿波”花粉为试材,采用离体培养方法,研究了培养基中不同比例蔗糖、硼酸、氯化钙对花粉萌发的影响,以明确核桃花粉萌发的适宜条件,为核桃花粉萌发找到适宜的培养基提供参考依据。结果表明:“绿岭”和“绿波”核桃花粉在蔗糖浓度为160 g·L-1时的发芽率最高,分别为48.09%和57.23%;“绿岭”和“绿波”花粉萌发最适宜的硼酸浓度分别为0.10、0.07 g·L-1;2个品种的花粉萌发最适宜的氯化钙浓度为0.20 g·L-1。适宜“绿岭”核桃花粉萌发的最佳培养基为蔗糖160 g·L-1、硼酸0.10 g·L-1、氯化钙0.20 g·L-1,在此培养基下“绿岭”核桃花粉萌发率达到61.06%;适宜“绿波”核桃花粉萌发的最佳培养基为蔗糖160 g·L-1、硼酸0.07 g·L-1、氯化钙0.20 g·L-1,在此培养基下“绿波”核桃花粉萌发率为72.71%。
- Abstract:
- Pollens of precocious walnut varieties ‘Lyuling’ and ‘Lyubo’ were used by culture method in vitro to study the effects of different proportion of sucrose,in order to determine the appropriate condition for walnut pollen germination and find out optimum medium,boric acid,calcium chloride on pollen germination.The results showed that the pollen germination rates of ‘Lyuling’ and ‘Lyubo’ on the medium with sucrose concentration of 160 g·L-1 were the highest,which were 57.23% and 48.09%,respectively.The optimum boric acid concentrations for pollen germination of ‘Lyuling’ and ‘Lyubo’ were 0.10 g·L-1 and 0.07 g?L-1;the optimum calcium chloride concentration for pollen germination of the two varieties was 0.20 g·L-1;the optimum medium for ‘Lyuling’ walnut pollen germination was as follows,160 g·L-1 sucrose,0.10 g·L-1 boric acid,0.20 g?L-1 calcium chloride, and the pollen germination rate of ‘Lyuling’ walnut on this medium reached 61.06%;the optimum medium for ‘Lyubo’ walnut pollen germination was as follows,160 g?L-1 sucrose,0.07 g?L-1 boric acid,0.20 g?L-1 calcium chloride,and the pollen germination rate of ‘Lyubo’ walnut on this medium reached 72.71%.
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