WU Xiaojing,LI Chengliang,ZHOU Yuanyuan,et al.Effects of Inorganic Compounds on Survival of Meloidogyne hapla Juveniles[J].Northern Horticulture,2017,41(24):53-59.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20171600]
- Title:
- Effects of Inorganic Compounds on Survival of Meloidogyne hapla Juveniles
- Keywords:
- Meloidogyne hapla; inorganic compound; mortality; pH
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以北方根结线虫(Meloidogyne hapla)为靶标材料,采用离体触杀的方法,测定了8种无机化合物对北方根结线虫存活的影响,研究了北方根结线虫对无机化合物和pH的适应性,以期为北方根结线虫的生态防治提供参考依据。结果表明:不同的无机化合物对北方根结线虫J2的影响不同;同一种化合物在不同浓度下对J2的致死率也不同,并且随着无机化合物浓度的增加,J2的死亡率上升。其中,NH4HCO3、FeCl3?6H2O、CuCl2?2H2O、CuSO4?5H2O这4种化合物对J2作用最为敏感,半致死浓度LC50分别是0.005 957、0.000 771、0.000 159、0.000 161 mol?L-1,即为敏感的化合物,而其它化合物只在高浓度下致死效果明显。通过萌发试验,进一步验证了这4种无机化合物的LC50和LC90对番茄种子的影响,结果表明,其对种子的萌发均无影响,但对根的伸长有一定的抑制作用。同时通过pH试验,明确了北方根结线虫J2适宜存活的pH范围在4~12。
- Abstract:
- Meloidogyne hapla was used as the target material to study the effects of eight compounds on the survival of M.hapla J2 at different concentrations in vitro,in order to provide basic knowledge for ecological control.The results showed that different inorganic compounds had different effect on M.hapla;and the lethality of the same compounds at different concentration was different too,with the increase of concentration,the mortality of J2 increased.While NH4HCO3,FeCl3?6H2O,CuCl2?2H2O,CuSO4?5H2O were the most sensitive among 8 compounds,and the LC50 were respectively 0.005 957,0.000 771,0.000 159,0.000 161 mol?L-1.All compounds at LC50 and LC90 had no inhibitory effect on tomato seed germination except for roots elongation in the latter stage.And the study found that the suitable pH range for survival of M.hapla J2 was 4-12.
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