DU Baoguo,YANG Fengli.Reference Analysis of Soil Seed Bank and Its Application in Vegetation Restoration in Wenchuan Earthquake Areas[J].Northern Horticulture,2017,41(11):204-209.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201711043]
- Title:
- Reference Analysis of Soil Seed Bank and Its Application in Vegetation Restoration in Wenchuan Earthquake Areas
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 土壤种子库是当前生态学研究热点之一,其在植被恢复中的作用备受关注。该研究首先对国内外关于土壤种子库的文献进行对比,对土壤种子库与地上植被的关系进行了总结。并以汶川地震灾区受损区域为例,对该区域的土壤种子库特征以及植被恢复研究文献进行了总结和分析,并对其中遇到的问题和可行的途径进行探讨,以期能够为该区域的植被恢复提供参考依据。
- Abstract:
- Soil seed bank is one of the major focus of ecology,and its application in vegetation restoration at the destroyed areas has got plenty of concerns recently.In the present review,the yearly published literatures of soil seed bank written in Chinese and English were analyzed,and the correlation between soil seed bank and above ground vegetation was summarized.Furthermore,the current vegetation status,restoration progress and the main factors limiting the revegetation of the affected areas by Wenchuan earthquake were discussed,aiming to provide valuable ideas for the future practice.
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