XIN Songlin,QIN Wen,LI Huiyan,et al.Effect of Different Preservation Treatments on Storage Quality and Reactive Oxygen Production Okra Fruit[J].Northern Horticulture,2017,41(23):164-169.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20170673]
- Title:
- Effect of Different Preservation Treatments on Storage Quality and Reactive Oxygen Production Okra Fruit
- Keywords:
- chitosan; 1-MCP; controlled atmosphere; salicylic acid; okra fruit; storage quality; active oxygen metabolism
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以黄秋葵果实为试材,采用4种不同保鲜处理(壳聚糖、气调、1-MCP、水杨酸,以不作任何处理为对照)后,置于(9±1)℃,相对湿度85%~90%条件下贮藏,研究贮藏过程中黄秋葵果实活性氧代谢相关物质的变化。结果表明:3种保鲜处理及气调较对照均可显著提高黄秋葵果实的总抗氧化能力、DPPH?清除能力、超氧阴离子自由基(O?-2)清除能力、羟基自由基(?OH)清除能力;显著降低细胞膜的渗透率、H2O2含量和O?-2含量。可知壳聚糖处理的保鲜效果最好,其次为水杨酸、1-MCP,气调处理的保鲜效果最差。
- Abstract:
- Okra fruit as the sample was studied by treatment of chitosan,salicylic acid,1-MCP and controlled atmosphere ((9±1)℃,RH 85%-90%) in this study.Production of reactive oxygen and related substances change of okra fruit were investigated.The results showed that the total antioxidant capacity could be improved by preservative treatment of chitosan,salicylic acid,1-MCP and controlled atmosphere.The treatment samples also improved DPPH? clearance ability,O?-2 clearance ability,and (?OH) clearance ability.But significantly reduced the permeability of cell membrane,H2O2 content and O?-2 content.The results revealed that chitosan treatment showed the best post-harvest quality.The preservation of salicylic acid treatment group were better than 1-MCP treatment group and controlled atmosphere.
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