TANG Linghong,WANG Yongqiu,LUO Nana,et al.Effect of Increasing Precipitation on Life History of Annual Brassicaceae Specie Descurainia sophia in Cold Desert[J].Northern Horticulture,2016,40(17):76-81.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201617019]
- Title:
- Effect of Increasing Precipitation on Life History of Annual Brassicaceae Specie Descurainia sophia in Cold Desert
- Keywords:
- increasing precipitation; Junggar Desert; emphemeral plants; Descurainia sophia; life history
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以准噶尔荒漠一年生短命植物播娘蒿为试验材料,研究了春季增水对其生活史可塑性的影响,以期探讨一年生短命植物对水分变化的响应。结果表明:增水使植株较早进入始花期和结实期,延长了春秋萌株的开花持续时间和结实持续时间;增水显著增加了植株结实率、高度、分枝数和叶片数(P<0.05);同时,增水下春秋萌株的总生物量(0.612 1 g和1.210 5 g)大于对照下春秋萌株总生物量(0.458 3 g和1.002 5 g)(P<0.05),且秋萌株>春萌株(P<0.05)。在降水增加背景下,短命植物对环境的适应性提高,这对荒漠生态系统的保护、资源的合理利用及区域的可持续发展具有积极意义。
- Abstract:
- Taking annual ephemeral plant Descurainia sophia in the Junggar Desert as experimental material,the influences of watering on life history plasticity of annual plants were studied by simulating precipitation,in order to explore the response of annuals to changes in water.The results showed that plants could entry into the flowering date and fruiting date earlier under the treatment of precipitation,then extended the duration of flowering and fruiting;fruit rate,plant height,number of branches and leaves also increased significantly by watering(P<0.05).Also,biomass of spring-germinating and autumn-germinating plants(0.612 1 g and 1.210 5 g) were bigger than those (0.458 3 g and 1.002 5 g) of control(P<0.05).Under the background of increasing precipitation,emphemeral plants improved the adaptation to desert environment,and it had an important significance to the protection of desert ecosystem,rational utilization of resources and sustainable development of region.
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