NIE Guhua,ZHU Yingqiang.Good-quality and High-yield Cultivation Techniques of Red Bayberry[J].Northern Horticulture,2016,40(03):49-51.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201603014]
- Title:
- Good-quality and High-yield Cultivation Techniques of Red Bayberry
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 根据杨梅生态学特性和优质丰产的生产目标,从栽植地点和时间的选择、栽植新技术以及栽植后的养护管理措施等方面介绍了杨梅的栽培技术,以期为优质丰产杨梅的生产发展提供参考。
- Abstract:
- This paper presented a series of cultivation techniques including the choice of planting location and time,new technique,and the maintenance management measures after planting according to the ecological characteristics.The aim of which was to provide reference to the development of red bayberry industry.
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