LIN Qunying,FENG Yi,JIANG Yan,et al.Optimization of Submerged Culture Conditions for Production of Fibrinolytic Enzyme by Cordyceps militaris[J].Northern Horticulture,2015,39(24):143-146.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201524039]
- Title:
- Optimization of Submerged Culture Conditions for Production of Fibrinolytic Enzyme by Cordyceps militaris
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 利用蛋白纤维平板法对1株蛹虫草(Cordyceps militaris)菌株液体发酵产生纤溶酶的碳氮条件进行系统优化;通过单因素试验筛选最佳碳源和氮源,再根据单因素试验结果进行正交设计实验优化该菌株产纤溶酶的最佳配方。结果表明:产纤溶酶的最佳碳源为乳糖,纤溶酶活性达118.69 U/mL,其次是不加碳源的空白对照,活性为109.12 U/mL;蚕蛹粉是该菌株产纤溶酶的最佳氮源,活性可达118.69 U/mL,其次是酵母浸膏,活性为29.10 U/mL;纤溶酶产量与菌丝体生物量之间无必然相关性;产纤溶酶的最佳培养基为乳糖10 g/L、蚕蛹粉10 g/L、酵母浸膏5 g/L,获得的纤溶酶活性高达142.26 U/mL。
- Abstract:
- Liquid culture conditions of carbon and nitrogen sources for production of fibrinolytic enzyme by a Codyceps militaris strain were optimized using fibrin plate method.The best carbon and nitrogen sources were sceened out by single factor method.Based on the outcomes of the single factor method,an othogonal test was designed to optimize the most suitable formula.The results showed that lactose was the best carbon source,with enzyme activity at 118.69 U/mL,followed by the control without carbon source supplement,having activity at 109.12 U/mL.The best nitrogen source was sildworm pupa powder,with the activity of 118.69 U/mL and followed by yeast extract,giving enzyme activities of 29.10 U/mL.There was no certain relevance between enzyme activities and mycelial biomass.The optimal medium for fibrinolytic enzyme production consisted of lactose 10 g/L,sildworm pupa powder 10 g/L,yeast extract 5 g/L.Highest activity of 142.26 U/mL was obtained.
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