ZHANG Ting,LIU Qizhi,GUO Huangping,et al.Research on the Relation Between Development and Post-hibernant of Cacopsyllachinensis and Phenology Temperature[J].Northern Horticulture,2015,39(20):102-104.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201520025]
- Title:
- Research on the Relation Between Development and Post-hibernant of Cacopsyllachinensis and Phenology Temperature
- Keywords:
- Cacopsyllachinensis; post-hibernant; the first generation of nymphal; temperature; phenology
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以梨木虱为试材,通过收集2012年和2014年山西太谷梨园温度及物候信息,研究了其与梨木虱发育历期的关系。结果表明:当梨园内6 d平均温度达0℃时越冬成虫开始出蛰,至8.5℃时,越冬成虫达到出蛰盛期,从出蛰至高峰期历时25 d;当6 d平均温度达12℃时越冬成虫产卵达高峰,从开始产卵至盛期历时18 d;当6 d平均温度达15℃时第1代若虫发生高峰,从第1代若虫开始出现至盛期历时18 d。试验表明,早春梨园梨木虱的防治最佳时期是成虫出蛰盛期和卵孵化盛期,此时正值玉露香梨花芽开绽期和80%~90%落花期。
- Abstract:
- Taking Cacopsyllachinensis as material,conducting in pear orchard,Taigu,Shanxi,respectively in 2012 and 2014,aiming to find the relationship between temperature together with phenology and the development of Cacopsyllachinensis.The results showed that when the average temperature within 6 days was 0℃ in pear orchard (the flower bud of Yuluxiang pear just bloomed in late Feb to early Mar),the overwintering adults started to be active;when the average temperature increased to 8.5℃ (pear flower buds come out in mid to late Mar),the overwintering adults achieved the peak.And this process spent 25 days.Besides,when the average temperature within 6 days was 12℃ (pear flower bloomed in early to mid Apr),overwintering adults achieved the peak of egg production,the time from the beginning to lay eggs to the peak is 18 days;when the average temperature climbed up to 15℃ (80%-90% pear flower fell in late Apr),the first generation of nymphal achieved the peak,and the peak is 18 days after they first showed up.We concluded that the best time for Cacopsyllachinensis control in early spring is the peak time of overwintering adults’ post-hibernation(pear flower buds come out in mid to late Mar) and egg hatching(80%-90% pear flower fell in late Apr).
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