PANG Hongbo,GU Siyu,LI Yueying,et al.Research Progress on the Molecular Mechanism Underlying Cadmium Hyperaccumulation Tolerance[J].Northern Horticulture,2015,39(19):170-174.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201519043]
- Title:
- Research Progress on the Molecular Mechanism Underlying Cadmium Hyperaccumulation Tolerance
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 土壤中的镉污染已经成为威胁生态系统和人类健康的严重环境问题。植物修复是一种绿色、经济、生态友好的土壤修复技术,超富集植物由于在植物修复中的巨大应用价值而备受关注。了解镉超富集植物的分子调控机制,对于Cd土壤修复具有重要理论指导意义。该文综述了国内外镉超富集植物耐镉性分子机制的研究现状,并对存在的问题和研究前景进行了展望。
- Abstract:
- Contamination of soil by cadmium was a severe environmental problem,which represented a direct contact risk to humans and ecological recipients.Phytoremediation had been regarded as a suitable technique for the pollution control of heavy-metal contaminated soil for green,safe technology and the properties of efficiency,economy and ecological harmony.Hyperaccumulators had recently gained considerable interest because of their potential use in phytoremediation.Understanding the molecular mechanisms of hyperaccumulation may help in enhancing the performance of hyperaccumulators for phytoremediation.This paper reviewed recent insights and existing problems of hyperaccumulators,and the directions of research in this area were introduced.
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