WANG Xiang-gang,XU Xiu-hong,MIAO Yuan-xia,et al.The Key Technology of Black Fungus Cultivation Using Crop Straw Instead of Sawdust[J].Northern Horticulture,2015,39(05):160-163.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201505046]
- Title:
- The Key Technology of Black Fungus Cultivation Using Crop Straw Instead of Sawdust
- Keywords:
- crop straw; instead sawdust; black fungus; cultivation technology; new varieties
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 秸秆的性质和营养成分与木屑有本质的区别,加之黑木耳又是典型的木腐菌与擅长分解利用秸秆的草腐菌在生物学特性上也有本质的区别。用单一的秸秆代替木屑栽培黑木耳一直达不到理想的效果,难以取代木屑。笔者吸取了20多年来用木屑代替段木栽培黑木耳的研发经验和推广该技术的成功办法,采取驯化培育适宜秸秆上生长的黑木耳新品种和采用不同农作物秸秆加入少量木屑仿木屑基质的营养结构等研发思路,总结出了一套农作物秸秆代替木屑栽培黑木耳的成功经验。
- Abstract:
- Because of the nature and nutrients,straw and sawdust have substantial distinction,and the black fungus that is typical wood rot fungi and rot fungus straw which is good at utilizing grass also have essential differences on biological characteristics.So,using a single straw instead of sawdust to cultivate black fungus has not reached the ideal effect,it’s difficult to replace wood.I learned development experience that cultivating instead of wood log and the application technology in successful way for 20 years,taking the domestication and breeding new suitable straw growth black fungus varieties and imitation sawdust nutrition structure development ideas by adding a small amount of different crops straw wood,and gradually summed up the successful experience of cultivation black fungus using crop straw instead of sawdust.
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LIU Dawei,CHEN Jing,SI Xiuyang,et al.Application of Crop Straw in the Control of Plant Diseases,Insect Pests and Weeds[J].Northern Horticulture,2021,(05):128.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20200939]
GUO Runze,YANG Yang,FU Xin,et al.Effects of Different Straws on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties and Enzyme Activities of Cucumber[J].Northern Horticulture,2022,(05):79.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20220584]
第一作者简介:王相刚(1972-),男,硕士研究生,研究员,现主要从事食用菌育种与液体发酵及栽培技术等研究工作。 基金项目:黑龙江省科技厅科技攻关资助项目(GC12B712);绥化学院新农村建设资助项目(SXK120101)。