GAO Su-ling,ZHANG Shen-pu,JU Yuan-yuan,et al.Effect of Different Amount of Sulfuric Acid Calcium Fertilizers on Garlic Growth in Calcareous Soils[J].Northern Horticulture,2014,38(14):10-13.
- Title:
- Effect of Different Amount of Sulfuric Acid Calcium Fertilizers on Garlic Growth in Calcareous Soils
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2014)14-0010-04
- Keywords:
- fertilizer rate; calcareous soil; calcium sulfate; garlic
- 分类号:
- S 143
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以硫酸钙(生石膏)为试验材料,以大蒜生长指标为研究对象,采用完全随机区组设计,在石灰性土壤中设置75、150、225、300 kg/hm2不同硫酸钙施肥量处理,以不施钙肥为对照(CK),测定大蒜各生育时期到达的时间、蒜头产量、单个蒜头重量,以研究硫酸钙肥对石灰性土壤中大蒜的生长发育、抗性及产量的影响。结果表明:在石灰性土壤中施用不同量的硫酸钙肥处理可使大蒜的幼苗期、花磷芽分化期、花茎伸长期、鳞茎肥大期提前0~2 d、成熟期延迟0~3 d,增施钙肥量可使大蒜的抗病虫害性能呈现感染→较轻→较抗的变化趋势;随施肥量增加,单蒜头重量增加,进而使产量增加;4种施肥处理单蒜头重量分别比对照增加8.74%、13.29%、18.91%、25.30%,产量分别比对照增加8.73%、13.27%、18.90%、25.29%,均达到差异极显著水平;因此,在石灰性土壤中施用硫酸钙肥对大蒜生育时期有一定影响,对提高大蒜的抗病虫性能及增加单蒜头重量进而提高产量有明显效果。
- Abstract:
- Taking calcium sulfate as test materials,with garlic growth as research object,designs were set up on calcium sulfate (gypsum) for different fertilizer rate:75 kg/hm2,150 kg/hm2,225 kg/hm2 and 300 kg/hm2,with no calcium sulfate as control(CK),completely random block designs were applied on designs.The growth periods,garlic yield and weight of individual garlic bulb were measured,to study the application performance of calcium fertilizer in garlic cropland in calcareous soil.The results showed that the application of calcium sulfate fertilizer benefited garlic cultivation in many aspects:seedling stage,flowers phosphorus bud differentiation stage,stem elongation stage,and bulb hypertrophy stage were ahead of 0~2 days,maturation stage delayed 0~3 days,and resistance to disease and insects increased along with fertilizer rate,from infection to minor to resistant.Weight of individual bulb increased,compared with the control group,by 8.74%,13.29%,18.91% and 25.30% respectively,and the differences were significant;yield increased by 8.73%,13.27%,18.90%,25.29% respectively,and the differences were also significant.In conclusion,for garlic plantation in calcareous soil,application of calcium sulfate fertilizer could improve the performance of resistance to diseases and insects,and increase field production.
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