ZHANG Zi-xin,ZHAO Shu-niu,FENG Qi-jing,et al.Analysis on the Genetic Relationship of Twentytwo Pepper Cultivars[J].Northern Horticulture,2014,38(17):5-9,10.
- Title:
- Analysis on the Genetic Relationship of Twentytwo Pepper Cultivars
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2014)17-0005-06
- Keywords:
- pepper cultivar; botanical character; cluster analysis
- 分类号:
- s641.3
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以22份辣椒品种为试材,对其11个植物学性状进行了聚类分析。结果表明:11个性状的变异系数为13.75%~138.12%,最大的是单果重,最小的是茎粗度;22份辣椒材料的遗传距离为1.036~7.618,根据遗传距离分类出了4个类群,第1类群包括11份材料;第2类群包括8份材料;8号遗传距离较远,单独归为第3类群;第4类群只有2份材料。
- Abstract:
- Taking 22 pepper cultivars as materials,eleven botanical characters were investigated,and clustering analysis were applied.The results showed that the coefficient of variation (CV) of 11 traits were 13.75% to 138.12%,the maximum CV was single fruit weight,the minimum was stem diameter.The genetic distance of 22 pepper cultivars was 1.036~7.618,all cultivars were clustered into four groups,the first group include 11 species,the second group include 8 species,‘No 8’with a distant relationship with other species,singly clustered into the third group,the fourth group only contain two species.
CHI Li-hua,ZHENG Yong-chun.Variety Test of New Introduced Cichorium endivia L.in Jilin[J].Northern Horticulture,2014,38(17):32.
MIAO Qi-song,LIU Ye-qiong,ZHANG Yan-yan.Effect of Different Sowing Times on Yield and Botanical Character of ‘Heibiao’ Eggplant[J].Northern Horticulture,2014,38(17):27.
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