ZHI Li-ting,HONG Pei-pei,CHEN Hong-wei,et al.Effects of Applying Exogenous Plant Hormone on Lateral Bud Growth of Salvia splendens[J].Northern Horticulture,2013,37(07):52-59.
- Title:
- Effects of Applying Exogenous Plant Hormone on Lateral Bud Growth of Salvia splendens
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2013)07-0052-08
- Keywords:
- plant hormone; Salvia splendens; lateral bud growth
- 分类号:
- S 681.4
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以一串红“彩铃红”及其野生型为试材,研究了外源生长素IAA、脱落酸ABA对侧芽萌发前后“彩铃红”侧芽生长及外源反式玉米素核苷ZR、玉米素ZT对侧芽萌发前后一串红野生型侧芽生长的影响,旨在为探索“彩铃红”顶端优势丧失、株型低矮成球的形成机理奠定一定的基础。结果表明:对一串红“彩铃红”侧芽萌发前的幼苗施加外源IAA和ABA,“彩铃红”侧芽生长受到抑制;对“彩铃红”侧芽萌发后的幼苗施加外源IAA和ABA,“彩铃红”侧芽生长得到促进。对一串红野生型侧芽萌发前、萌发后的幼苗施加外源ZR和ZT,野生型侧芽生长都得到促进。由此得出,“彩铃红”株型形成与激素相关。
- Abstract:
- Taking Salvia splendens ‘Cailinghong’ and its wild type as test materials,the effects of applying exogeous ausin (IAA) and abscisic acid (ABA) on lateral bud growth of ‘Cailinghong’ and effects of exogenous trans-zeatin-riboside (ZR) and zeatin (ZT) on lateral bud growth of Salvia splendens wild type were studied.The objective was to explore ‘Cailinghong’ loss of apical dominance,and its low ball plant type formation mechanism.The results showed that ‘Cailinghong’ seedlings lateral bud growth would be inhibited when applying exogenous IAA and ABA before lateral bud sprouting.And lateral bud growth would be promoted when applying exogenous IAA and ABA after lateral bud sprouting.Salvia splendens wild type seedlings lateral bud growth would be promoted both when exogenous ZR and ZT applying on lateral bud before and after spouting.So it could conclude that ‘Cailinghong’ plant formation was associated with plant hormone.
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