CHEN Yan-rui,WANG Yong-hong,LIU Kang,et al.Study on Ecological Cultivation Regionalization of Several Fine Trees of Protection Forest in the Arid Desert of Xinjiang[J].Northern Horticulture,2013,37(14):98-100.
- Title:
- Study on Ecological Cultivation Regionalization of Several Fine Trees of Protection Forest in the Arid Desert of Xinjiang
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2013)14-0098-03
- 分类号:
- S 727.27
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以2007~2009年防护林建设中的5种优良防护林树种黑核桃(Juglans nigia)、榛子(Corylus heterophylla)、水曲柳(Fraxinus mandshurica)、夏橡(Quercus robur)、银白杨(Populus alba)×新疆杨(P.bolleana)为研究对象,基于对其环境影响因素及种植方式的详细分析,利用主成分分析法对其生态适宜区进行了划分,以期对防护林生产栽培树种的选择及其布局提供指导性依据。结果表明:黑核桃、榛子、水曲柳、夏橡和银白杨×新疆杨在整个分布区内受气候和立地等条件的影响。黑核桃和榛子的适宜区主要为伊犁河谷地区。水曲柳的适宜区主要为伊犁河谷地区、准噶尔盆地南缘和塔里木盆地东北缘绿洲内部。夏橡的适宜区主要为伊犁河谷地区、准噶尔盆地南缘绿洲内部。银白杨×新疆杨在南北疆平原荒漠区绿洲内部均适宜。
- Abstract:
- Taking 5 fine tree species in the construction of protection forest during the year of 2007 to 2009 Juglans nigia,Corylus heterophylla,Fraxinus mandshurica,Quercus robur and Populus alba×P.bolleana as material,based on the detailed analysis of their adaptation to ecology region,environmental effect factor and the planting way,their ecological cultivating area were divided into suitable cultivating area and subsuitable cultivating area using principal components analysis method,in order to provide a guidance basis to cultivated tree species selection in the protective forest production and cultivation.The results showed that Juglans nigia,Corylus heterophylla,Fraxinus mandshurica,Quercus robur and Populus alba×P.bolleana were affected by the impact of climate and site conditions.The main suitable area for Juglans nigia and Corylus heterophylla was Ili River Valley area.For Fraxinus mandshurica were Ili River Valley area,southern Junggar Basin and inner oasis of northeastern margin of Tarim Basin.For Quercus robur were Ili River Valley area and inner oasis of northeastern margin of Junggar Basin.Populus alba×P.bolleana was suitable in inner oasis of southern and northern plains desert area.
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