YAO Xin,TU Yong.Study on the Processing Technology of Compound Juice of Smllantus sonchifolium and Citrus paradisi cv[J].Northern Horticulture,2012,36(23):157-159.
- Title:
- Study on the Processing Technology of Compound Juice of Smllantus sonchifolium and Citrus paradisi cv
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2012)23-0157-03
- Keywords:
- Smllantus sonchifolium; Citrus paradisi cv; compound juice
- 分类号:
- TS 255.44
- 文献标志码:
- B
- 摘要:
- 以雪莲果、柚子为试材,研究了雪莲果柚子复合果汁的最佳生产工艺。结果表明:当雪莲果原汁与柚子原汁的比值为10∶4,原果汁的用量为50%,柠檬酸、蔗糖和蜂蜜的添加量分别为0.05%、12%和4%,以1%黄原胶和1% CMC-Na复配作为稳定剂使用时,制得的复合果汁具有较好的风味和色泽,酸甜适宜,组织形态较好。
- Abstract:
- Taking Smllantus sonchifolium and Citrus paradisi cv as test materials,the processing technology of compound juice of Smllantus sonchifolium and Citrus paradisi cv were studied.The results indicated that the optimum processing conditions were 10∶4 ratio of yacon juice and shaddock juice,50% of the mixture of yacon and shaddock juice,0.05% of citric acid,12% of sugar,4% of honey respectively.The best stabilize was the mixture of 1% xanthan gum and 1% CMC-Na.Under the optimal conditions,the achieved compound juice had smooth taste,full yacon and shaddock flavor and better form.
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