LI Chun-xia,REN Xiao-bing,ZHANG Li-ming,et al.Prevention Measures on Occurrence and Control of Diseases and Pest of Apple Producing Regions in Yan’an[J].Northern Horticulture,2012,36(17):131-135.
- Title:
- Prevention Measures on Occurrence and Control of Diseases and Pest of Apple Producing Regions in Yan’an
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2012)17-0131-05
- Keywords:
- Yan’an; apple; diseases and pests; investigation; countermeasures; prevention measures
- 分类号:
- S 436.611
- 文献标志码:
- B
- 摘要:
- 于2008~2011年,对延安所有苹果产区主要病虫害进行调查。结果表明:苹果主要病虫害有腐烂病、早期落叶病、白粉病、轮纹病、锈病、炭疽病、黄叶病、苹果黄蚜、苹果绵蚜、山楂叶螨、金纹细蛾、顶梢卷叶蛾、金龟子、大青叶蝉、舟形毛虫、天幕毛虫、梨星毛虫、球坚介壳虫共17种,其中苹果树腐烂病、早期落叶病、黄蚜、金纹细蛾、山楂叶螨是延安市苹果产区发生普遍且严重的病虫害,其它病虫发生由于地域、果园位置、树龄、管理水平在不同地区发生程度不同。在调查的基础上,根据地理位置和管理水平将延安苹果划分为三大类型。同时,分析了果园生产管理中存在的问题,并提出解决对策和综合防治方法。
- Abstract:
- Through 2008~2011 year,main diseases and pests of Yanan apple producing areas were investigated.The results showed that the main diseases and pests of apple were Valsa ceratosperma(Tode et Fr.)Maire et al.a total of 17 species.In which Valsa ceratosperma(Tode et Fr.)Maire,Marssonina mali and Alternaria mali Roberts,Aphis citricola Van der Goot,Lithocolletis ringoniella Matsumura,Tetranychus viennensis Zacher had been very serious and universal,other diseases and pests of the severity due to local climate,orchard location,tree age,level of management in different areas.On the basis of investigion,according to the location and the management level will be divided into three type of apple in Yan’an.At the same time,some existing problems in the management and produce had analysed,the corresponding countermeasures had been put forward,and key measures of cultivation and management technique for diseases and pests of apple in different periods were given.
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