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Analysis of Lignin Content and Synthesis Gene CAD Expression in Head-splitting-prone and Head-splitting-tolerant Cabbage


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Analysis of Lignin Content and Synthesis Gene CAD Expression in Head-splitting-prone and Head-splitting-tolerant Cabbage
DING Xiaoya12YUE Zhichen2ZHAO Yanting2LI Biyuan2ZANG Yunxiang1TAO Peng2
(1.College of Horticulture Science,Zhejiang A&F University,Hangzhou,Zhejiang 311300;2.Institute of Vegetables,Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Hangzhou,Zhejiang 310021)
head cabbagehead-splittingligninCADgene expression
S 635.1
Taking head-splitting-prone and head-splitting-tolerant cabbage as the test materials,the relationship between the head-splitting phenotype and lignin content was studied by using a combination of phloroglucinol staining and transcriptomics,in order to uncover the potential role of lignin in the process of cabbage head splitting.The results showed that the degree of lignification in the petioles of head-splitting-prone cabbage and the lignin content in the leaves were slightly higher than those of head-splitting-tolerant cabbage.Cinnamyl Alcohol Dehydrogenases (CAD),the key genes for lignin biosynthesis,were identified across the entire genome of head cabbage.A total of 10 CAD genes were obtained and distributed on 6 chromosomes of head cabbage;there were significant differences in exon-intron structure between CAD genes in head cabbage;the expression of most CAD genes were detected in leaves of both types of head cabbage.Five CAD genes ([STBX]BoCAD4,BoCAD7-LF,BoCAD7-MF2a,BoCAD7-MF2b,and BoCAD9-MF2[STBZ]) showed higher expression in head-splitting-prone cabbage than in head-splitting-tolerant cabbage,which corresponding to lignin assay results.The results of this study showed that there was no significant correlation between lignin content and head-splitting phenotype in head cabbage.Lignin was not the main factor affecting head-splitting phenotype in head cabbage.


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Last Update: 2025-01-07