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Application of Different Cold Storage Agents in Cold Chain Transportation of Brassica rapa subsp.pekinensis and the Effect on Storage Quality


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Application of Different Cold Storage Agents in Cold Chain Transportation of Brassica rapa subsp.pekinensis and the Effect on Storage Quality
CHENG Xili1WANG Fadong1HU Shenghai2LI Cuihong2GAN Run1
(1.Jinchang Institute of Agronomy,Jinchang,Gansu 737100;2.Agricultural Products Storage and Processing Research Institute,Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Lanzhou,Gansu 730070)
cold storage agentBrassica rapa subsp.pekinesissimulated transportationstoragenutritional quality
S 609+3
Taking plateau summer Brassica rapa subsp.pekinensis as the test material,the method of adding cold storage agents and RFID technology were used to simulate logistics transportation for 3 days before opening the box.And various indicators were measured every 1 day,the effects of different cold storage agent+RFID technology modes on the storage quality of Brassica rapa subsp.pekinensis during simulated transportation were studied,in order to provide reference for solving the problems of difficult preservation and serious loss of long-distance transportation of summer Brassica rapa subsp.pekinensis in Gansu plateau.The results showed that,two kinds of cold storage agent effect was significantly better than the ice bottle,and the temperature and humidity was relatively constant,moisturizing effect,could maintain the appearance of Brassica rapa subsp.pekinensis characteristics,leaf integrity,bright yellow color,no odor,reduce the weight loss rate,and alleviate the simulation of transport and storage of Brassica rapa subsp.pekinesis in the process of degradation of nutritional quality and functional components of the degradation of the loss of the Brassica rapa subsp.pekinesis,but the S2 effect was better.


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Last Update: 2024-12-03