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Difference of Changes in Flower Bud Inclusion of Sweet Cherry During Dormancy at Different Altitudes


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Difference of Changes in Flower Bud Inclusion of Sweet Cherry During Dormancy at Different Altitudes
ZHANG Chen1LIU Hui1RUAN Ruoxin1LUO Huifeng1LIAO Yimin2WANG Mogen3
(1.Institute of Horticulture,Hangzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Hangzhou,Zhejiang 310024;2.Jiande Agricultural Technology Extension Center,Jiande,Zhejiang 311600;3.Chun′an County Agricultural and Rural Development Service Center,Chun′an,Zhejiang 311700)
sweet cherrydormancynutrientendogenous hormonealtitude
S 662.5
The sweet cherry ‘Brooks’ was used as the test material,methods of difference comparison and correlation analysis were adopted,the content of nutrients and endogenous hormone in flower buds was compared at different altitudes in Hangzhou,in order to analyze the physiological state of sweet cherry dormant bud in this area.The results showed that different altitudes could meet the demand of effective low temperature accumulation of ‘Brooks’.From before dormancy to during dormancy,the soluble protein content in flower buds in high altitude region decreased by 25.89%,while the value in low altitude region increased by 8.31%.The free amino acid content in flower buds in high altitude region decreased by 7.15%,while the value in low altitude region increased by 15.51%.Whereas,the changes of soluble protein contents,starch contents and free amino acid contents in flower buds of sweet cherry at different altitudes regions were the same,they all decreased from before dormancy to before budbreak.The overall variation trend of total sugar content and the variation trend of each sugar component content in dormancy were the same.At different stages,the total sugar content in flower buds of sweet cherry in high altitude region was higher than that in low altitude region.The variation of endogenous hormone content was obviously different at different altitudes regions.The correlation analysis showed that the correlation between nutrients and endogenous hormones in flower buds was different at different altitudes.From before dormancy to before budbreak,the overall change trend of most nutrients in sweet cherry flower bud was the same at different altitudes,while the overall change trend and stage change trend of endogenous hormone content were significantly different at different altitudes.


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Last Update: 2024-07-10