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Effects of Soil Relative Water Content on the Biological Efficiency and Nutritional Quality of Gastrodia elata


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Effects of Soil Relative Water Content on the Biological Efficiency and Nutritional Quality of Gastrodia elata
WANG LiXU ZongliangYANG TianmeiZUO YingmeiSHI YaoZHANG Jinyu
(Institute of Medicinal Plants,Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Kunming,Yunnan 650000)
Gastrodia elatarelative water content (RWC)Armillaria artificial stickbiological efficiency (BE)biological efficiency essential nutrientsamino acidsnutritional evaluation
S 853.75
Taking Gastrodia elata as the test material,the effects of soil relative water content (RWC) on biological efficiency (BE) and nutritional quality of G.elata were studied by using amino acid score method,in order to provide reference for healthy development of G.elata industry.The results showed that,1) when using Armillaria artificial stick to plant G.elata,the soil RWC had a significant impact on the BE,basic nutrient content,and amino acid nutritional quality of G.elata (P<0.05).The biological efficiency (BE,28.74%) of G.elata planted with Armillaria artificial stick by controlling the soil water content to 75% was the highest,which was significantly higher than those BE of G.elata from CK and planted with Armillaria artificial stick by controlling the soil water content to 55%,65%,85%.The basic nutrient content and the content of total amino acid of G.elata planted with Armillaria artificial stick by controlling the soil water content to 75% were close to CK and significantly higher than the basic nutritional content of G.elata planted with Armillaria artificial stick by controlling the soil water content to 55%,65%,85%.2) A total of 15 amino acids were detected in G.elata,including 6 essential amino acids (EAA) and 9 non-essential amino acids (NEAA).Amino acid score results showed that the EAA/TAA ratio,EAA/NEAA ratio,essential amino acid ratio (AAS),essential amino acid ratio coefficient (RC),essential amino acid ratio coefficient score (SRC) of G.elata planted with Armillaria artificial stick by controlling the soil water content to 75% and from CK were closed to the ideal amino acid model proposed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization (FAO/WHO).3) By controlling soil RWC,G.elata with high content of basic nutrients,rich amino acids,relatively reasonable composition ratio of essential amino acids and high nutritional value could be obtained by using Armillaria artificial stick to plant.


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Last Update: 2024-08-23