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Identification and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Hybrid Progenies of Dendrobium Based on SRAP Markers


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Identification and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Hybrid Progenies of Dendrobium Based on SRAP Markers
LIN RongyanCHEN YiquanKONG LanZHONG HuaiqinLIN BingYE Xiuxian
(Crop Research Institute (Fujian Germplasm Resource Center),Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Fujian Engineering Research Center for Characteristic Floriculture,Fuzhou,Fujian 350013)
DendrobiumSRAP molecular markersidentification of hybrid progeniesgenetic diversity
S 682.31
One hundred hybrid progenies of Dendrobium progenies,D.anosmum and D.porishii×D.anosmum were used as the test materials,the authenticity of the hybrid progenies was identified by SRAP molecular markers,their genetic diversity was also analyzed,in order to provide reference for accelerating the breeding process of new Dendrobium varieties.The results showed that 100 hybrid progenies were identified as true hybrids,with an identification efficiency of 100%,based on the amplification of 6 pairs of SRAP primer combinations.The polymorphic ratio of the 6 pairs of SRAP primer combinations was 97.26%,and the average of polymorphism information content was 0.85.According to the cluster diagram,92% of the hybrid offspring were clustered with the paternal parent in terms of parentage.According to the box-plot of genetic similarity coefficient analysis,the average genetic similarity coefficient between the hybrid offspring and the male parent was greater than that of the female parent,which indicated that the offspring of the hybrid combination were genetically more biased towards the male parent.In conclusion,the tested hybrid offspring of D.parishii×D.anosmum were all true hybrids and showed partial paternal inheritance.SRAP molecular markers could be used as an effective means for early identification of hybrid offspring in Dendrobium.


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Last Update: 2024-08-23