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Diversity of Soil Microorganisms (Bacteria) Under Herbaceous Conditions in Orchards in Arid and Semi-arid Areas


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Diversity of Soil Microorganisms (Bacteria) Under Herbaceous Conditions in Orchards in Arid and Semi-arid Areas
LI XiaolongMA JunCHU YannanYUE HaiyingJIA YonghuaTIAN Jianwen
(Institute of Horticulture,Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry,Yinchuan,Ningxia 750001)
arid and semi-arid regionsorchard grassingbacterial community
S 153;S 154.3
Four grass species (ryegrass,alfalfa,tall fescue,villous wild pea) with the potential for ‘green fertilizer’ function were selected,and natural grassing and clean-tillage modes were carried out long-term grassing treatment in the orchard rows,and high-throughput sequencing technology was applied to analyze the changes in the structure,quantity,and function of the soil bacterial community in the orchard under different grassing modes,in order to provide a reference for the rational grassing of orchards and the sustainable development of apple production in arid and semi-arid zones.The results showed that,the bacterial OTUs under the grassing treatment were categorized into 39 known bacterial phyla,94 orders,266 orders,541 families and 127 genera.Among them,alfalfa (458 OTUs) and natural grassing (531 OTUs) had more population-specific OTUs,followed by ryegrass and villous wild pea treatments,and the soil of the grassing treatment was significantly enriched with beneficial microorganisms such as Bacteroidetes,Clostridia,Actinobacteria,Ascomycetes,Bacteriophage,Oxalobacteria,Pseudomonas,and Bacteroides,in comparison with clean-tillage.PCoA principal components,Adonis intergroup analysis of variance (AOVA),and alpha diversity (ACE index) further indicated that the composition of soil bacterial communities was mainly affected by the raw grass treatments,with the differences in bacterial communities as well as bacterial diversity in soil samples from natural grassing,alfalfa,and villous wild pea treatment areas being more significant.In addition,the differential metabolic pathways under natural grass,alfalfa and villous wild pea grass treatments mainly focused on carbohydrate metabolism,amino acid metabolism,energy metabolism,transmembrane transport,and nucleotide metabolism,with average abundances of 13.6%,9.5%,4.2%,3.4%,and 3.2%,respectively.In summary,the grassing treatment could affect the bacterial community structure,which the natural grassing,alfalfa,and villous wild pea haying further significantly contributed to the function of the bacterial community.


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Last Update: 2024-08-08