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Optimization of Aqueous Two-phase Extraction of Polyphenols From Cirsium setosum and Investigation Into Their Biological Activity


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Optimization of Aqueous Two-phase Extraction of Polyphenols From Cirsium setosum and Investigation Into Their Biological Activity
CAI Jing1ZHANG Jingyi1YE Run1DUAN Baoqing1HUANG Yaqin1LIU Xinhao2
(1.School of Pharmacy,Xinyang Agriculture and Forestry University,Xinyang,Henan 464000;2.Central Laboratory,Xinyang Agriculture and Forestry University,Xinyang,Henan 464000)
Cirsium setosumpolyphenolsaqueous two-phase extractionα-amylaseα-glucosidasenitrite
R 284.2
Aqueous two-phase extraction (ATPE) was adopted to extract polyphenols from Xinyang Cirsium setosum.The extraction process of polyphenols was studied,while also investigated its inhibitory effects on starch-digesting enzyme activity in vitro and nitrite remove ability,in order to provide reference for the development and utilization of polyphenols as hypoglycemic drugs or food additives.The results showed that the optimal extraction conditions were as follows,(NH4)2SO4 concentration was 23%,ethanol concentration was 26%,extraction time was 60 minutes,liquid-solid ratio was 30∶1 mL·g-1,extraction temperature was 81 ℃.Under these conditions,the yield of polyphenols was (9.36±0.51)mg·g-1,and the IC50 values for inhibition of α-amylase and α-glucosidase were 0.014 mg·mL-1 and 0.061 mg·mL-1,respectively,which were significantly superior to acarbose.Additionally,the nitrite clearance rate was as high as 82.05%.It showed excellent hypoglycemic activity and remarkable nitrite removal ability.


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Last Update: 2024-06-27