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Research Progress on Functional Mechanism and Application of Phytosulfopeptin


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Research Progress on Functional Mechanism and Application of Phytosulfopeptin
LI XiuqiXIAO XingzhongHAO HeheFAN HuanhuanLIU GuohuiJIA Baohua
(Jiyuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Jiyuan,Henan 459002)
phytosulfopeptin(PSK)biological functionaction mechanismapplicationadvance
S 686
Phytosulfokine (PSK) is a novel plant small molecule polypeptide growth regulator,which plays an important role in plant growth,development,reproduction and environmental response.This study summarized the biological function and physiological mechanism of PSK in plants,and introduced the application of PSK in agricultural production,in order to provide reference for PSK in the agricultural field.


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Last Update: 2024-09-04