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Analysis of Flower Color Characteristics of the Malus spp. Half-sib Progenies


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Analysis of Flower Color Characteristics of the Malus spp. Half-sib Progenies
XIONG Qingqing1FAN Junjun2ZHANG Jing1ZHANG Wangxiang13YANG Xiaoqian1
(1.College of Forestry and Grass,Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210037;2.College of Horticulture,Jinling Institute of Technology,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210038;3.Yangzhou Little Apple Horticulture Co.Ltd.,Yangzhou,Jiangsu 225200)
Malus spp.sub-generation of half-sib familyflower colorsustained stability
S 722.3+4
Taking half sibling offspring populations of 9 varieties of Malus spp.,included ‘Jinfengshou’,as the maternal parent,and based on different flowering period flower color parameters,the temporal patterns of flower color in the offspring population of free pollination Malus spp. were analyzed,in order to provide reference for Malus spp. flower color breeding.The results showed that based on the CIELCH color spatial dynamic map of different flowering periods in offspring,it was found that as the flowering period progressed,the L* value of offspring flower color brightness showed an upward trend,with high brightness values accounting for a larger proportion of offspring (39.13%-58.70%).The saturation C* value showed a decreasing trend.The hue angle h° value gradually increased,and the dots located in the red area decreased,resulted in fading phenomenon.Based on cluster analysis of flower color parameters from the best ornamental period to the peak flowering period,92 offspring were divided into 3 color groups and 7 sub color groups,with the purple red offspring accounting for 25%.Compared with the suspected paternal population,the average brightness value of the offspring population increased by 9.5%,the average degree of color fading decreased by 60%,and the stability of the offspring population′s color improved.Based on high L*,high C*,and high stability(ΔE),three superior plants were screened from purple (L* 45,C* 40,ΔE2 5),pink (C* 20,ΔE1 10,ΔE2 10) and white (L* 90,ΔE1 1,ΔE2 1).Free pollination breeding is beneficial for improving the brightness and stability of flower colors.The higher the color tone angle,the higher the brightness and stability,and the lower the fading rate.


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Last Update: 2024-08-08