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Effects of Different Potassium Dosage on the Growth and Yield Quality of Saffron in Solar Greenhouse


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Effects of Different Potassium Dosage on the Growth and Yield Quality of Saffron in Solar Greenhouse
CHEN Zhiguo1WANG Cuili1YANG Shimei1XIANG Zengxu2WEI Yujie1CHEN Fang1
(1.Gansu Agricultural Engineering Technology Research Institute,Wuwei,Gansu 733006;2.College of Horticulture,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210000)
Crocus sativus L.potassium application amountsolar greenhousesaffrong glucoside
S 567.2
Taking Crocus sativus L.bulbs as experimental materials and cultivated in solar greenhouse,4,5,6,7,8 kg of potassium sulfate (F1,F2,F3,F4,F5) were applied per 667 m2.The planting time,flowering quantity,silk quality,yield,and stigma components of Crocus sativus L.were measured with no fertilization (CK) as the control.The effects of different fertilization rates on growth,development,and yield of Crocus sativus L.were studied,in order to provide reference for Crocus sativus L.production.The results showed that the application into the potassium fertilizer treatment,the early flowering of F3 treatment was the earliest,F5 treatment had the highest numbers of flowering flowers.F4 treatment had the highest initial emergence rate of 98.94% and F2 treatment had the lowest emergence at 94.56%.F3 treatment filament length was the longest,17.86% higher than CK,and the largest fresh weight of F4 treatment .Fertilization could increase the yield of saffron seed bulb,the yield of each potassium treatment was higher than CK,and the yield per 667 m2 of F5 treatment reached the maximum value of 414.09 kg.The content of saffron-Ⅰ,saffron-Ⅱ,total content of saffron-Ⅰ and saffron-Ⅱ of F5 treatment was higher than that of other treatment,with 14.48%,6.32% and 20.80%,respectively.The content of picrocroin was also at a relatively high level.Potassium fertilizer could promote the quality of saffron filament and improve the yield of seed ball.The quality and yield of saffron filament was optimal at 8 kg per 667 m2.


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Last Update: 2024-07-01