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Research Progress on Metabolic Pathways and Physiological Mechanisms of Sugar Accumulation in Peach Fruit


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Research Progress on Metabolic Pathways and Physiological Mechanisms of Sugar Accumulation in Peach Fruit
WANG Heng1WANG Hui1HAN Wei2WANG Wenbin3YU Lina3
(1.Rizhao Agricultural Technical Service Center,Rizhao,Shandong 276826;2.Shandong Agricultural Technology Extension Center,Jinan,Shandong 250100;3.Rizhao Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Rizhao,Shandong 276800)
S 662.1
As a kind of widely cultivated fruit,peach fruit is rich in nutritional value,rich in a variety of vitamins,and deeply loved by consumers.However,its taste and quality have influenced consumers’ choice.With the deepening of research on fruit physiology and molecular biology,the study on the metabolic pathway and physiological mechanism of sugar accumulation regulation in peach fruit had received extensive attention.Sugar is one of the important factors affecting the quality of peach fruit.Therefore,the study on the regulation of sugar accumulation and metabolic pathway had important theoretical and practical significance.In this study,the latest progress of sugar metabolism pathway and physiological mechanism of sugar accumulation regulation in peach fruit were reviewed,in order to provide reference for further improving peach fruit quality,meeting consumer demand,improving peach fruit varieties and cultivation management.


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Last Update: 2024-08-23