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Effects of Different Light Intensities on Growth and Development of Artemisia ordosica Krasch


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Effects of Different Light Intensities on Growth and Development of Artemisia ordosica Krasch
QIAO Zhanguo1WU Jiaojiao1WANG Fang2LIU Long1ZHAO Feng1WANG Jie1
(1.Yulin Institute of Forestry Sciences,Shaanxi Province,Yulin,Shaanxi 719000;2.Yulin Vocational and Technical College,Yulin,Shaanxi 719000)
light intensityblack Artemisia ordosica Kraschshading rate
S 718
Taking Artemisia ordosica Krasch from the Yulin sandy area on the southern edge of the Maowusu sandy land as the research object,four plots were selected,sunny slope,shady slope,hilly area,and hilly top.Three shading sheds with different light intensities (L0,shading rate 0%,CK;L1,shading rate 40%;L2,shading rate 80%) were set up to study the effects of different light intensities on the growth and development of Artemisia ordosica Krasch.Three biological replicates were conducted to study the effects of different light intensities on the growth and development of Artemisia ordosica Krasch,in order to provide reference for improving the ecological function and efficiency of sandy areas.The results showed that the shading rate showed a highly significant negative correlation with the average crown diameter,plant height,and survival rate of Artemisia ordosica Krasch,and a highly significant positive correlation with the mortality rate and the moisture content of the underlying surface soil.At the same time,there was a highly significant linear regression relationship between shading rate and mortality rate of Artemisia ordosica Krasch,which could be expressed by equation Y=45.312X+1.394,with R2=0.867 (P<0.001).The average crown width,plant height,and survival rate of Artemisia ordosica Krasch decreased with the increase of shading rate.When the shading rate was 0%,the average crown width,plant height,and survival rate of Artemisia ordosica Krasch were all the highest;when the shading rate was 80%,it was the smallest;when the shading rate was 40%,it was between the two,significantly higher than the shading rate of 80% and lower than 0% (P<0.05).The mortality rate and its underlying soil surface moisture content increased with the increase of shading rate.When the shading rate was 0%,the mortality rate and the soil surface moisture content below it were the smallest.When the shading rate was 80%,it was the highest.When the shading rate was 40%,it was between the two,significantly higher than the shading rate of 0% and lower than 80% (P<0.05).


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Last Update: 2024-08-23