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Response of Cucumber Plant Secondary MetabolismSubstance to Low-light Stress


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Response of Cucumber Plant Secondary MetabolismSubstance to Low-light Stress
ZHANG YanzhaoLUO LihengLI XilieZHANG FuguiWANG JunzhiLI Dandan
(College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture,Heilongjiang Bayi Agriculture University,Daqing,Heilongjiang 163319)
cucumberlow-light stresssecondary substance metabolismseedlingsresponsing charactertics
The low-light tolerant homozygous cucumber line M67 and the low-light sensitive homozygous line M14 were used as test materials,the secondary biomass and the expression of PAL1 gene in leaves of seedlings at different stages were determined after low-light treatment with 80 μmol·m-2·s-1,the characteristics of cucumber plants responding to low light through changes in secondary substance metabolism at different stages were studied,in order to provide a reference for the mechanism studies of cucumber tolerance to low light and the breeding of varieties.The results showed that after low light treatment,except for the total phenol content in the leaf of seedlings of M67 at one-leaf and one-heart stage,the total phenol content in the leaves of both lines in other periods were significantly lower than that of the control,and M14 decreased more significantly at the cotyledon extension stage.The lignin content in the leaves of seedlings in M67 at various stages showed different degrees of increase compared with the control,there was the highest increase at one leaf stage.In terms of flavonoids,there was no significant decrease in the low-light tolerant line M67 compared with the control,and the low-light sensitive line M14 showed a significant decrease in three periods,and the flavonoid content in the leaves of the two-leaf and one-heart stage seedlings was the most significant,compared with the control.The PAL activity in the leaves of seedlings in both lines were significantly reduced,excepting for the significant decrease in PAL activity in the leaves of M67 at two-leaf and one-heart stage seedlings,and there was no change for the expression of CsPAL1 gene in the leaves of the M67 plant,while the expression of CsPAL1 gene in the leaves of the M14 line was significantly reduced.This study showed that the low-light tolerant line plants could improve their resistance to low-light stress by maintaining a more stable level of secondary metabolic substances.


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Last Update: 2023-07-31