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Growth and Physiological Responses of Red-flowered Strawberry ‘Toscana’ Under Salt Stress


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Growth and Physiological Responses of Red-flowered Strawberry ‘Toscana’ Under Salt Stress
ZHANG WeiCHEN YuweiNIU YafeiFENG YueHOU FeifanKANG Xiuping
(College of Horticulture,Shanxi Agricultural University,Taigu,Shanxi 030801)
red flowered strawberrysalt stresssalt damage gradegrowthphysiological indicators
Taking the stolon plants of ‘Toscana’ strawberry as experimental material,treated with three concentrations of NaCl,at the 7th,14th,21th and 28th days after treatment,the salt damage level of red-flowered strawberry were observed,and the effects of different salt concentrations on the growth of strawberry,plasma membrane permeability,osmotic regulators and antioxidant enzymes were investigated,including the plant height,leaf area,electrical conductivity,malondialdehyde,proline,soluble protein,soluble sugar,superoxide dismutase,peroxidase,in order provide reference for the physiological response of red-flowered strawberry to high salt stress,which has a great significance for the innovative utilization of it.The results showed that the symptoms of salt damage on the ‘Toscana’ became significant with the increase of NaCl concentration.Under the treatment of 100 mmol?L-1,the leaves showed slightly salt damage symptoms at the 14th day with the salt damage gradeⅠ,which showed that the leaf edge was wilting,but no chlorosis,and the plants grew normally.Under 200 mmol?L-1 and 400 mmol?L-1 NaCl,the leaves began to show moderate salt damage symptoms at the 14th day with the salt damage gradeⅡ,and the growth of plant height and leaf area of ‘Toscana’ were significantly inhibited.Salt treatment significantly caused the internal physiological changes of redflowered strawberry,and the REC increased quickly in the one week.The content of MDA also showed an upward trend.The activities of SS,SP,Pro contents,SOD and POD activities increased firstly and then decreased with the extension of stress time.Correlation analysis showed that REC was positively correlated with MDA content and SOD activity,and negatively correlated with plant growth index.Proline content was positively correlated with SS,SP content and plant growth index,and negatively correlated with REC and MDA content.


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Last Update: 2023-08-18