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Tissue Culture and Plant Regeneration of Euphorbia milii Ch.des Moulins


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Tissue Culture and Plant Regeneration of Euphorbia milii Ch.des Moulins
GUAN JinyanTAN JianaCHEN ShuangyanXU YuchanLUO JianpiaoLUO Qingwen
(Zhanjiang Research Center,Institute of Nanfan & Seed Industry,Guangdong Academy of Sciences,Zhanjiang,Guangdong 524000)
Euphorbia milii Ch.des Moulinsinflorescence involucretissue cultureplant regeneration
The flowers of Euphorbia milii Ch.des Moulins were used as experimental materials,tissue culture and rapid propagation was adopted,the effects of plant parts,flower maturity,hormone ratio and concentration on plant regeneration were studied,in order to establish the high efficient regeneration system that suitable for factory production of Euphorbia milii Ch.des Moulins,provide reference for rapid propagation and popularization of variety.The results showed that the flower buds developed into a dichaploid cymose compound inflorescence during reproductive growth,and developed into regenerated plants through vegetative growth during tissue culture.The flower maturity had a great influence on the induction of plum buds of the Euphorbia milii Ch.des Moulins.Half-open flowers were the optimal part of the material for tissue culture.The optimal medium for shoot induction was MS+6-BA (1.0 mg?L-1)+NAA (0.1 mg?L-1).The budding coefficient was 150.45%,the buds were strong and grew well.The optimal medium for budding proliferation was MS+6-BA (0.5 mg?L-1)+NAA (0.2 mg?L-1),the multiplication rate was 4.03 ± 0.43,the plant was strong,the leaves were dark green and grew well.The best medium for rooting culture was MS+NAA ( 0.2 mg?L-1)+IBA ( 0.4 mg?L-1),the rooting rate was over 85% after 30 days.Then transplanted to sterilized perlite∶peat∶sand=1∶1∶1 for colonization,and the survival rate was 85%.


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Last Update: 2023-05-12