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Research Progress on Soil Microplastic Pollution and Biodegradation


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Research Progress on Soil Microplastic Pollution and Biodegradation
ZHU Huihui12WANG Fanmei12LIN Xiaoyue23LIANG Zi′an2HAN Xuemei3LIU Jianbin1
(1.Institute of Plant Nutrition,Resources and Environment,Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Beijing 100097;2.College of Life Science and Agriculture Engineering,Nanyang Normal University,Nanyang,Henan 473061;3.College of Life Sciences,Hainan Normal University/Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Ecology of Tropical Islands,Haikou,Hainan 571158)
soilmicroplasticsenvironmental pollutionbiodegradation
Plastic pollution has always been an important issue and challenge for environmental management on account of its large amount and weak degradation capacity.Microplastics are small particles formed by plastics for various reasons.As a new pollutant found in recent years,microplastic has become a global challenge becausetits particles that are small and difficult to be found,which seriously threatens the natural biological community and human public health.At present,the research on microplastics mainly focusd on aquatic ecosystem,but the research on terrestrial ecology was relatively few.This review mainly summarizes the land hazards and research progress of microplastics,explores the problems and hazards caused by microplastics in soil environment,analyzes the research on the biodegradation of microplastics,and finally prospects the development prospect of microplastics biodegradation in soil environment in the future.


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Last Update: 2022-07-04