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Leaf Photosynthetic Characteristics of Different Hippeastrum rutilum Varieties


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Leaf Photosynthetic Characteristics of Different Hippeastrum rutilum Varieties
WEI Manlin12QIAN Tanghuang2XU Guihong2DAI Yaoliang2LIN Wanhuang1
(1.College of Bioscience and Biotechnology,Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha,Hunan 410128;2.Shenzhen Fairy Lake Botanical Garden,Shenzhen,Guangdong 518001)
Hippeastrum rutilumlight response curveCO2 response curvevarieties difference
Three varieties of Hippeastrum rutilum,‘Amigo’‘Peacock’ and ‘Chorus’ were used as the experiment materials,and LI-6400 portable photosynthesis instrument was used,the light response curve and CO2 response curve of the three varieties were measured and analyzed,and compared the photosynthetic parameters such as the maximum net photosynthetic rate (Pnmax),light saturation point (LSP),light compensation point (LCP) and dark respiration rate (Rd).The effects of photosynthetic characteristics on the growth and development of Hippeastrum rutilum were studied,in order to provide V reference for Shenzhen landscape planning and the introduction cultivation of Hippeastrum rutilum.The results showed that ‘Amigo’ had the largest net photosynthetic rate and the largest accumulation of photosynthetic products;‘Chorus’ had the strongest ability to use weak light and CO2,and had stronger shade tolerance and drought tolerance;and the ‘Peacock’ photosynthetic capacity lay between the former two.According to the differences in photosynthetic characteristics of different varieties of Hippeastrum rutilum,‘Amigo’ would be selectively planted in sunny areas,and ‘Chorus’ would be more suitable for planting under forest and higher terrain.


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Last Update: 2022-06-07