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Effects of Vermicompost From Mushroom Residue on Growth and Quality of Fruits and Vegetables


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Effects of Vermicompost From Mushroom Residue on Growth and Quality of Fruits and Vegetables
CHEN Bin1ZHANG Yulan2HAN Siqin2BAO Hongxu1ZHANG Ying12
(1.School of Environment,Liaoning University,Shenyang,Liaoning 110036;2.Shenyang Institute of Applied Ecology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenyang,Liaoning 110016)
mushroom residue compost fertilizervermicompoststrawberrycucumbertomato
The strawberry,cucumber and tomato were used as test materials,a one-way randomized group method was used to set up three treatments including vermicompost from mushroom residue,mushroom residue compost fertilizer and regular chemical fertilizer (control),with equal nitrogen.The fruits and vegetables production,plant height,chlorophyll,leaf area,and other growth indicators,as well as quality indicators such as nitrate,vitamin C,titratable acid,soluble sugar,soluble protein,and free amino acids were measured,to explore the growth and quality of fruits and vegetables with three fertilizer treatments,in order to provide theoretical evidence for their application in fruit and vegetable planting.The results showed that,application of vermicompost improved the growth level of fruits and vegetables in compared to chemical fertilizers significantly (P<0.05).Plant height and stem thickness of cucumber increased by 11% and 8%.The leaf areas of strawberry and cucumber increased by 44% and 11% respectively.The yields of strawberries,cucumbers,and tomatoes in vermicompost treatment were raised remarkably (P<0.05).In particular,the yield of tomatoes increased by 48% with the highest increasment,and yields of strawberries and cucumbers increased by 45% and 20%,respectively.Nitrate content was decreased by application of vermicompost in strawberries,cucumbers and tomatoes,and the contents of soluble sugar,soluble protein,free amino acids,and vitamin C in above three fruits or vegetables in vermicompost-treated plots were higher than those in the compost-treated plots and chemical fertilizer treated plots.Sum up all the above growing,yields and quality indexes,the yields and quality of fruits and vegetables with application of vermicompost from mushroom residue were better than those with application of compost from mushroom residue.


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Last Update: 2022-05-23