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Comparison and Analysis of Fruit and Seed Characteristics of Different Blueberry Cultivars


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Comparison and Analysis of Fruit and Seed Characteristics of Different Blueberry Cultivars
WANG Xiaomin1ZHAO Huifang1WU Wenlong1ZHANG Chunhong1LI Weilin2
(1.Institute of Botany,Jiangsu Province and Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210014;2.Academy of Forestry,Nanjing Forestry University/Co-Innovation Center for the Sustainable Forestry in Southern China,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210037)
blueberryfruit characteristicsseed characteristicscross breeding
Nine-mature fruits of 29 blueberry cultivars were used as the test materials,the size,weight,soluble solids and titratable acid content were measured.The seeds were obtained by cleaning the fruits,their content,1 000 grain weight and emergence rate were investigated.The excellent cultivars were screened as parents for breeding in according to fruit and/or seed characters,in order to provide a reference for the selection of excellent parents in blueberry cross breeding.The results showed that the single fruit weight and hardness of south highbush blueberry cultivars were lower,but the seed emergence rate was higher;the single fruit weight and hardness of north highbush blueberry cultivars were higher than those of south highbush blueberry,but the sugar acid ratio was the lowest;the single fruit weight,hardness and sugar acid ratio of rabbiteye blueberry cultivars were higher,but the seed content was the highest,the 1 000 grain weight was higher,but the seedling emergence rate was the lowest.Among the 29 blueberry cultivars,‘Bonita’‘Prolific’ and ‘Legacy’ were the best parents for cross breeding,followed by ‘Beckyblue’‘Climax’ ‘Bluegold’‘Sharpblue’ and ‘Magrnolia’.


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Last Update: 2022-02-07