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Effects of Different Soil Moisture Content Treatment During Maturation Period on Phenolic Compounds Accumulation of ‘Beimei’ Grapevine


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Effects of Different Soil Moisture Content Treatment During Maturation Period on Phenolic Compounds Accumulation of ‘Beimei’ Grapevine
LI PingLIU ChengminLI YinglongPING JichengSHAN Shouming
(College of Agriculture,Ningxia University,Yinchuan,Ningxia 750021)
soil moisture contentphenolic compoundsfruit qualitywine grapevine
‘Beimei’ grape was used as material to explore the effects of different soil water content treatments on fruit quality and phenolic content at ripening stage,in order to provide a reference basis for improving the quality of wine grape in the eastern foot of Helan Mountain.The results showed that the treatment of reducing soil water content could increase the content of total soluble sugar and reduce the content of titratable acid in fruit.The treatment of 50%-60% relative soil water content significantly increased the contents of peonidin glucoside and delphinidin glucoside in fruits during harvest,and the increase of malvidin glucoside was significant.The content of total anthocyanin and tannin were significantly higher than that of CK,and the content of total phenol was also significantly higher than that of CK.According to the principal component analysis of phenols in fruits during harvest period,the comprehensive score of 50%-60% relative soil water content treatment was the highest.


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Last Update: 2021-06-10