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Effects of the Coupling of Phosphorus and Potassium on Growth and Fruit Quality of Fuji Fruit Tree


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Effects of the Coupling of Phosphorus and Potassium on Growth and Fruit Quality of Fuji Fruit Tree
SHI MeijuanYANG KaiHE MeimeiWANG YunyunREN Zhebin
(Institute of Fruit Trees,Shanxi Agricultural University,Taiyuan,Shanxi 030006)
drip irrigationphosphorus-potassium couplingfujifruit quality
A coupling experiment of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium drip irrigation with different ratios was carried out in different growth periods of Fuji fruit trees with 7 years old Begonia/SH6/‘Jinfu’ fruit trees as test materials,and the weight indexes of Fuji fruit shoot growth and fruit in each growth period were studied by using two factor three level orthogonal combination.The results showed that under the synergistic action of P2 and K2,the new shoot growth of Fuji tree was vigorous,the single fruit quality of fruit was high,the pulp was tight and crisp,the color was uniform,and the storage resistance of fruit was high.At high phosphorus level,the acidity of fruit is moderate,and the acidity of medium phosphorus level is low.Conclusion based on the application of organic fertilizer,100 L?hm-2 nitrogen fertilizer and 70% phosphorus-potassium fertilizer with conventional dosage ×70% are expected to achieve high quality and high yield.


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Last Update: 2021-05-27