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Changes in Enzymatic Activity of Different Flowering Stages of Phalaenopsis aphrodite Cut-flower


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Changes in Enzymatic Activity of Different Flowering Stages of Phalaenopsis aphrodite Cut-flower
JIANG Suhua1ZHANG Yan1NIU Suyan1YANG Xudong1WANG Ximeng2CUI Bo1
(1.Institute of Bioengineering,Zhengzhou Normal University,Zhengzhou,Henan 450044;2.College of Life Sciences,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou,Henan 450002)
Phalaenopsis aphroditeperoxidasesuperoxide dismutaseneutral protease
Taking fresh cut-flower of Phalaenopsis aphrodite as test materials,the changes in the activities of the three enzymes at different stages of the cut-flower tepals were measured and analyzed,in order to provide reference for prolonging the life span cut-flower of Phalaenopsis aphrodite.The results showed that the enzyme activity of peroxidase in sepals and petals did not change significantly from the bud stage to the half-blooming stage,and the enzyme activity increased significantly from the half-blooming stage to the senescence stage.The enzyme activity of superoxide dismutase in petals increased from the bud stage to the half-blooming stage,and the enzyme activity decreased significantly from the half-blooming stage to the senescence stage.The enzyme activity of neutral protease in the petals shows an upward trend from the bud stage to the half-blooming stage,a downward trend from the half-blooming stage to the blooming stage,and an upward trend from the blooming stage to the senescence stage.However,In the sepals the enzyme activity of the neutral protease showed a downward trend from the bud stage to the blooming stage,and an upward trend from the blooming stage to the senescence stage.Overall,the enzyme activity of neutral protease in both sepals and petals showed a first decline and then an upward trend.


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Last Update: 2021-05-19