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Yellow Sand Cultivation Adaptability of Muskmelon in Desert Solar Greenhouse


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Yellow Sand Cultivation Adaptability of Muskmelon in Desert Solar Greenhouse
CHEN LiangZHANG XiaolingLI YanrongYANG ShimeiWANG CuiliYAN Zongshan
(Gansu Provincial Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Technology,Wuwei,Gansu 733006)
muskmelonyellow sand cultivationcultivar comparisonphotosynthetic characteristicsyield and quality
Six muskmelon cultivars were taken as test materials,by the local main plant cultivar ‘Jinhongbao’ as a comparison,comparative analysis differences in plant growth,photosynthetic characteristics,yield and quality of muskmelon cultivars were conducted.In order to screen the muskmelon cultivars which are suitable for sand cultivation condition in desert solar greenhouse of Gansu Province.The results showed that the plant height and leaf length of ‘Gladial’ ‘Ricura’ and ‘Inthanon’ were significantly higher than the control cultivars at maturity,the plant height and leaf length of ‘34-804’ were significantly lower than the control,and the other cultivars were not significantly different from the control,the stem diameter of ‘Gladial’ and ‘Inthanon’ were significantly higher than the control,the stem diameter of ‘34-804’ was significantly lower than that of the control,the leaf width of ‘Ricura’ was significantly higher than that of the control,and the other cultivars were not significantly different from the control;from the perspective of photosynthetic indexes,the chlorophyll content SPAD,leaf net photosynthetic rate Pn,stomatal conductance Gs and transpiration rate Tr of each cultivar all peaked at flowering and fruit bearing periods,and intercellular CO2 concentration Ci peaked at maturity,the SPAD,Pn,Gs,Ci and Tr of the ‘Ricura’ cultivar all reached the maximum,and were significantly higher than the control cultivar 17.71%,21.47%,29.41%,2.93% and 12.93%,the Pn and Tr of ‘Gladial’ were significantly higher than that of the control 14.01% and 5.44%,the Pn and Gs of ‘34-804’ were significantly lower than the control 5.14%,11.76%,the SPAD,Pn,Gs,Ci and Tr of ‘34-901’ were significantly lower than the control 8.65%,8.77%,32.35%,2.10% and 12.07%,the Pn,Gs and Tr of ‘34-902’ were significantly lower than the control 5.95%,20.59% and 9.18%;from the perspective of yield and quality,the yield of ‘Ricura’ and the central sugar content reached a maximum,and the yield increased significantly by 10.79% compared with the control,the yields of ‘34-804’ ‘34-901’ and ‘34-902’ were significantly lower than the control 7.71%,13.22% and 7.49%,the central sugar content was significantly lower than the control cultivar except for ‘34-804’,and the other cultivars were not significantly difference from the control.According to the comprehensive analysis,the plant growth of ‘Ricura’ ‘Gladial’ and ‘Inthanon’ were better,the photosynthetic capacity of ‘Ricura’ and ‘Gladial’ were stronger,the ‘Ricura’ had significant yield heterosis and a unique taste,therefore,it was recommended that the ‘Ricura’ and ‘Gladial’ cultivars planted in desert solar greenhouse of Gansu Province.Keywords:muskmelon;yellow sand cultivation;cultivar comparison;photosynthetic characteristics;yield and quality


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Last Update: 2020-12-23