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Accumulation and Partitioning of Dry Matter,Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium in Lotus


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Accumulation and Partitioning of Dry Matter,Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium in Lotus
YIN Jingjing12WU Xiaobin12XU Guoxin12YIN Xiao12WU Xiu12LI Xiaozun12
(1.Shandong Rice Research Institute,Jinan,Shandong 250100;2.Hydrobiology Research Center,Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Jinan,Shandong 250100)
lotusdry matternitrogenphosphorus and potassiumnutrients absorption
The aim of this study was to reveal the law of dry matter accumulation,N,P,K nutrients absorption and utilization of lotus and lay a theoretical basis for lotus scientific fertilization in the middle and lower reaches of Yellow River.Taking a local lotus variety ‘Qitou’ in Shandong Province as the experimental materials,a pond culture experiment was conducted to study the dynamics of dry matter accumulation,N,P,K distribution and translocation in lotus by investigating the dry matter weight and nutrients contents in different organs at various growth stages.The results showed that the amount of dry matter accumulation increased with lotus growth period in a slow-fast-slow trend and the highest rate reached 29.27 g·d-1per plant at swollen rhizome formation stage.Approximately 69.00% of dry matter accumulation located in the leaves and petioles within 73 days after transplanting (DAT),while 66.68% located in the swollen rhizome at 153 DAT as nutrients translating to swollen rhizome from leaves and petioles during 73-153 DAT.The accumulation of N,P and K varied among different developing stages and reached the maximum rates of 0.46,0.18 and 0.56 g·d-1 per plant at swollen rhizome formation stage respectively.The absorptive amounts of N,P,and K at swollen rhizome formation stage accounted for 49.50%,31.49% and 39.56% of the total amount in the whole stages.The N∶P∶K ratio was 1∶0.62∶1.53 for the whole growing period.The nitrogen and phosphorus were mainly located in leaves,while potassium was mainly located in petioles before rhizome swelling,then N,P and K were translated from leaves and petioles to swollen rhizome along with rhizome swelling.The accumulation amounts of N,P and K in swollen rhizome accounted for 71.97%,69.54% and 87.89% of the total accumulation at the maturityperiod,respectively.In conclusion,lotus were mainly for vegetative growth in the early period and storage growth after rhizome swelling.Swollen rhizome formation stage was the key stage of lotus growth.


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Last Update: 2020-05-03