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Effects of Trinexapac-Ethyl on Growth and Turf Quality of Baoding Bermudagrass Under Shade


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Effects of Trinexapac-Ethyl on Growth and Turf Quality of Baoding Bermudagrass Under Shade
WANG XinSUN XinuoSUN XinboZHAO JiayuLI Huibin
(College of Agronomy,Hebei Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Crop Growth Regulation of Hebei Province,Baoding,Hebei 071001)
bermudagrassturfgrassshadetrinexapac-ethylturf visual quality
Taking ‘Baoding bermudagrass’ selected by Hebei Agricultural University as the plant material,the experiment was conducted to determine the influence of trinexapac-ethyl (TE) on the growth and turf quality of bermudagrass under 50% shade.Trinexapac-ethyl was applied at 60 μL?m-2,120 μL?m-2 and 240 μL?m-2 by spraying on separate containers.The results showed TE had significant effects on plant height,leaf and internode length,leaf width,stem diameter and turf visual quality of ‘Baoding bermudagrass’ under shade.After 6 weeks,the height,leaf length and internode length of TE-treated plants reduced by 49.7% to 55.0%,52.2% to 57.9% and 43.0% to 49.5% compared with non-TE-treated plants respectively,but leaf width and stem diameter significantly increased by 60.1% to 76.6% and 37.6% to 68.8% respectively with increasing TE rate.Trinexapac-ethyl enhanced turf visual quality by 10.2%-25.3% and increased the soluble sugar content to some extent during the study,but had no significant influence on Fv/Fm of leaves.The results suggested that TE was conducive to improve the shade performance of ‘Baoding bermudagrass’.


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Last Update: 2019-12-11