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Effect of Humic Acid Foliar Fertilizer on Apple Quality and Yield


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Effect of Humic Acid Foliar Fertilizer on Apple Quality and Yield
LIU Zengzhao1HAO Mingde12NIU Yuhua3WANG Chenguang4
(1.College of Resources and Environment,Northwest A&F University,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100;2.Institute of Soil and Water Conservation,Northwest A&F University,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100;3.Shaanxi Institute of Agricultural Technology,Shaanxi University of Science and Technology,Xi′an,Shaanxi 710021;4.Shaanxi Province Agricultural Technology Extension Station,Xi′an,Shaanxi 710021)
humic acidapplequalityyield
Humic acid was used as material,the apple variety of ‘Red Fuji’ was used as experimental object,with the field experiment,the differences among different levels of humic acid treatment were investigated at 0(CK),0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8 g?L-1 mass concentration.The effects of humic acid concentration on the yield and quality of apples were studied by measuring fruit yield,vitamin C content,soluble sugar content,titratable acid content,dry matter content,fruit diameter,hardness for the application of humic acid foliar application technology in apple cultivation,in order to supply references for humic acid application in apple production.The results showed that the fruit quality and yield of the fruit sprayed with humic acid increased compared with the control.When the dosage was 0.4 g?L-1,the peak value was obtained,and the fruit hardness was reduced,the fruit diameter was increased,and the product rate was improved;the soluble sugar content of the fruit was improved,the appropriate concentration could reduce the titratable acid content,increase the ratio of sugar to acid;the dry matter content and vitamin C content increased,the dry matter content could increase by 4.0%,and the vitamin C content was the highest.It could be increased by 13.65 mg?(100g)-1.The regression fitting of yield and fruit quality indexes showed that there was a significant secondary correlation between humic acid concentration and yield and each index.When the yield was the highest,the humic acid concentration was 0.52 g?L-1,and the fruit quality was the best when rot.The acid concentrations were all in the range of 0.38-0.59 g?L-1.


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Last Update: 2019-04-03