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Observation of Development and Abortion Process of Embryo and Endosperm in ‘Fresno Seedless’ Grape


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Observation of Development and Abortion Process of Embryo and Endosperm in ‘Fresno Seedless’ Grape
LI Zhiying WANG Yuejin
(College of Horticulture, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University / State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology in Arid Areas / Key Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Biology and Germplasm Innovation in Northwest China,Ministry of Agriculture, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100)
grapevine seedlessness cytology embryo abortion endosperm abortion
Cytological observation of development and abortion of embryo and endosperm in ‘Fresno Seedless’ grape was conducted to research for the start time of abortion of embryo and endosperm via paraffin section and Heidenhain’s hematoxylin staining. The observation results indicated that the embryo abortion of ‘Fresno Seedless’ grape occurred at the globular embryo stage on 38 days AFB (days after full blooming) after the initial division of zygote on 16d AFB and following development at the two-celled proembryo stage and the multicellular proembryo stage. The endosperm nucleus began to divide on 4 days AFB and stopped on 30 days AFB when the embryo sac was full of cellular endosperm. The endosperm started to degenerate on 32 days AFB and the abortion generated from the micropylar end to chalazal end in embryo sac. It can be concluded that the optimal time of embryo rescue choosing ’Fresno Seedless’ as female parent was 32—36 days AFB. This study provided a scientific reference to the sampling time of embryo rescue to breed in field.


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Last Update: 2018-11-01