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Optimization of SSR-PCR Reaction System for Ziziphus acidojujuba


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Optimization of SSR-PCR Reaction System for Ziziphus acidojujuba
CHANG Jing12LIU Qingbai1LIU Mingguo1
1. College of Forestry, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang ,Liaoning 110866;2.Liaoning Institute of Forest Management, Dandong, Liaoning 118002
Zizyphus acidojujubaSSR-PCR reaction system optimization orthogonal design
Three Zizyphus acidojujuba clones LW1,LW2,LW23 were used as experimental materials, ‘Sanxing’ Ziziphus jujuba was as control, by orthogonal experimental design L16 (45) , the reaction system of SSR-PCR was established in order to provide the basis in the research method on SSR molecular markers of Zizyphus acidojujuba .The results showed that the optimal systems of SSR(20 μL)was DNA templates 100 ng, primer 0.5 μmol?L-1, Mg2+ 1.25 mol?L-1,Taq polymerase 1.5 U, dNTPs 0.3 mmol?L-1.By the reaction system, using primer JSSR250, DNA amplification of 53 Zizyphus acidojujuba clones and 8 Ziziphus jujuba varieties was carried out, which showed that the target strips were clear and the amplification products ranged from 140-180 bp, with 7 alleles. The optimal reaction systems could be used for the SSR molecular marker development of Zizyphus acidojujuba.


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Last Update: 2018-03-26