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Effect of Intercropping Forage Grass on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties and Micro-climate in Jujube Orchards(PDF)


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Effect of Intercropping Forage Grass on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties and Micro-climate in Jujube Orchards
QUAN Liang12FENG Yifeng1XIONG Renci1WU Cuiyun12YU Jun1
(1.College of Plant Science and Technology,Tarim University/Characteristics of Fruit Trees in South Xinjiang Production Engineering Laboratory,Alar,Xinjiang 843300;2.Key Laboratory of Protection and Utilization of Biological Resources in Tarim Basin,Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps,Alar,Xinjiang 843300)
jujube orchardssown grassmicro-climatesoil nutrients
The effects of inter-planting bentgress,ryegrass and Lotus corniculatus orchards,as cover crops on the micro-climate of a jujube orchard of Alar regional were studied.Compared with clean tillage,the field sampling and laboratory analysis combination methods were used to measure soil nutrients and characteristics,soil temperature,temperature and humidity of orchard,and so on environmental factors.The results showed that the micro-climate was changed by interplanting forage grass in jujube orchards,the average daily air temperature of hear ground of four sown grass jujube gardens was lower than clean tillage,and the air temperature of jujube orchards could reduce 1.34℃,1.01℃,0.64℃ and 1.26℃.Compared with clean tillage,the average of daily air relative humidity enhanced 15.04%,8.66%,7.36% and 7.39%,the soil temperature moved down 3.46℃,2.22℃,1.76℃ and 1.60℃.The full amount of soil physical and chemical properties was changed by interplanting forage grass in jujube orchard,the soil bulk density could reduce,especially clover,the soil bulk density was 1.44 g/cm3.The soil organic matter and total nitrogen increased after interplanting the four grasses the soil organic matter could respectively decrease 1.65 g/kg,0.65 g/kg,0.10 g/kg and 1.51 g/kg,the total nitrogen could improve 1.03 g/kg,0.32 g/kg,0.41 g/kg and 0.80 g/kg.With the layer of soil rise,the total phosphorous dropped slightly,but the soil potassium content was no significant difference.In conclusion,the inter-cropping growing grass could improve micro-environments and soil physical and chemical characters.


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Last Update: 2016-07-08