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Effect of CPPU Treatment on Postharvest Fruit Quality and Chilling Resistance in Kiwifruit(PDF)


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Effect of CPPU Treatment on Postharvest Fruit Quality and Chilling Resistance in Kiwifruit
WANG WeiJIN MijingRAO Jingping
(College of Horticulture,Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100)
kiwifruitCPPUconcentrationqualitychilling injury
Taking ‘Xuxiang’ kiwifruit as test material,the effect of CPPU treatment on postharvest fruit quality and chilling resistance in ‘Xuxiang’ kiwifruit was studied by dipping young fruit with 10 mg/L,20 mg/L CPPU at 15 days after full bloom,dipping with water was control.The results showed that the fruit weight increased with the concentration of CPPU,but compared with the control,CPPU treatment reduced fruit dry matter content,firmness,soluble solids content, ratio of sugar and acid,vitamin C and other fruit quality indicators in varying degrees,the negative impacts on fruit quality of 20 mg/L treatment were more than 10 mg/L treatment.During storage at 0℃,the degree of membrane damage of 20 mg/L treatment was the highest.Also,20 mg/L treatment exhibited more chilling-sensitive and occurred chilling injury earlier,its chilling injury index,chilling injury incidence were significantly higher than other treatments,and it also had lower accepted fruit percentage and higher weight loss at the end of storage.In conclusion,high concentration CPPU significantly decreased the fruit quality and chilling resistance of postharvest ‘Xuxiang’ while increased the fruit size.




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Last Update: 2016-03-02