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Effect of Different Retaining Fruits on Growth and Development Dynamic of the Chinese Pear(PDF)


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Effect of Different Retaining Fruits on Growth and Development Dynamic of the Chinese Pear
JIN FanglunYUE XuanLI MingHAN ChengminZHANG FaweiAO Xuexi
(Guizhou Institute of Sericulture Pepper,Zunyi,Guizhou 563006)
pearretaining fruitsfruitgrwthqualitychange
Taking Chinese pear variety ‘Xiangnan’ as test materials, different retaining fruits on the influences of fruit growth dynamic and changing law were studied during continuous 2 years(2013—2014).The results showed that,the pear under the condition of Guizhou region,different retaining fruits directly affected the growth of the fruit vertical and horizontal diameter growth in years growth peak frequency and time,growth peak appeared 5-12 times,longitudinal diameter appeared 6-8 times,single fruit retaining 1,2,3,4,5,6 appeared growth peak 6,6,6,8,7,7 times respectively;Transverse diameter appeared 5-12 times,fruit retaining 1,2,3,4,5,6 appeared growth peak 6,5,9,10,12,6 times respectively.Different retaining fruit quantity directly affected the day growth of the fruit vertical and horizontal diameter increment in years growth peak frequency and time,in the process of growth peak had 6-7 times,longitudinal diameter had 6-8 times,retaining fruit 1,2,3,4,5,6 appeared 8,7,7,6,7,7 times respectively;Horizontal diameter had 6-8 times,retaining fruits 1,2,3,4,5,6 appeared growth pesk 8,7,7,7,6,7 times respectively.Different retaining fruit quantity directly affected Chinese pear fruit shape index and the fruit quality and so on,single branch retaining 2 fruits was comprehensively the best treatment,followed by was a single branch for 1 fruit,the third was single branch for 3 fruits,three treatments were all superior to other processing.It showed that different retaining fruits treatment directly affected the amount of longitudinal and transverse diameter of fruit growth peak,peak time and growth curve,also affected the weight and quality of the fruit.It suggested that fruit retaining should be taken as important reference for flower and fruit thinning and fruit quality change,to provide the reference for developing scientific pear cultivation techniques and management measures.
















Last Update: 2015-08-12