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Study on Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Sunshine Deficiency Probability for Facility Agriculture in Hebei Province(PDF)


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Study on Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Sunshine Deficiency Probability for Facility Agriculture in Hebei Province
ZHANG Xin 123YANG Zai-qiang 1WEI Rui-jiang 34GU Yong-li 5
(1.College of Applied Meteorology,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210044;2.Hebei Provincial Meteorological Service Center,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050021;3.Hebei Provincial Key Lab for Meteorology and Eco-Environment,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050021;4.Hebei Provincial Meteorological Institute,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050021;5.Hebei Provincial Meteorological Information Center,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050021)
Keywords:sunshine deficiencyprobabilityspatial and temporal distributionHebei Province
Abstract:The spatial and temporal distribution of sunshine deficiency probability for agriculture in Hebei province was examined both for the cold seasons (October to April) and the warm seasons (May to September) of the year by clustering analysis,based on the statistics of the sunshine duration observations from 141 meteorological stations during 1981 to 2012.The results showed that in the cold seasons the province was divided into two districts,i.e.the Southeast and the Northwest.High probability of agricultural sunshine deficiency and persistent deficiency in the Southeast occured mainly during November 6 to January 20.The incidence of agricultural sunshine deficiency in the Northwest was overall relatively small.Significant increasing trends were detected in sunshine deficiency events with different grades for the two districts during the recent 30 years.The province was divided into three districts in the warm seasons,i.e.the South,the Central-Northeast and the Northwest.High probability of agricultural sunshine deficiency in the South and the Central-Northeast occured mainly during July 6 to August 20.The incidence of agricultural sunshine deficiency in the Central-Northeast was obviously smaller than that in the South during August 21 to September 30.The incidence in the Northwest was overall relatively small.Significant increasing trends were detected in sunshine deficiency events with different grades for the South and the Central-Northeast during the recent 30 years.


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Last Update: 2015-02-10